From left to right: Johan Sabbe, Ann Vancoillie, Paola Marquez, Wim Ramon.
Upcoming concerts:
26 januari 2019
Vooruit Ghent 11h30-13h30
Ann Vancoillie, Paola Marquez, Jonas de Raeve, Stefan Willems
17 november 2018
Final concert Houseconcerts Ghent
Feestzaal Ledeberg
Ann Vancoillie, Paola Marquez, Jonas de Raeve, Stefan Willems
23 juni 2018 14h-15h.
John Snauwaert, Ann Vancoillie, Wim Ramon, Johan Sabbe, Ebru Sahin.
14 juli 2018 Gentse Feesten Baravins 20h
John Snauwaert, Ann Vancoillie, Wim Ramon, Stijn Engels, Paola Marquez
Past concert:
Jazzensemble Rood (John Snauwaert, Ann Vancoillie, Wim Ramon, Johan Sabbe, Paola Marquez) speelde twee sets op de feestelijke openingen van Operaplein 1, een fancy Pop-Up-Bar naast onze Opera.
Wie horen we? Paola Marquez die de avond zal verwarmen met haar schitterende Latijns-Amerikaanse stem, lid is van diverse Jazz- en Latijnse Amerikaanse ensembles en lesgeeft. ( Ann Vancoillie die zich in alle stijlen beweegt als een vis in het water, eerste viool, 2de solist is van het orkest van de Opera, barok, klassiek, hedendaags speelt met diverse formaties en zich de laatste jaren ook onderdompelde in de Jazz. Johan Sabbe, die zich beweegt van Jazz tot Sound-Painting en ook een gedreven lesgever is. Zijn voorliefde gaat uit naar de Latijns Amerikaanse muziek. Wim Ramon, Jazz Contrabassist die in diverse ensembles speelt van Jazz tot Pop en eveneneens lesgever is. (

Ann Vancoillie: Jazz Violin
John Snauwaert: Sax
Johan Sabbe: Jazz Piano
Jonas De Rave: Jazz Piano & Accordeon
Paola Marquez: voice
Wim Ramon: Double Bass.
Stefan Willems: Double Bass.
Ann Vancoillie, is a multi talented musician, working as a first violin, in the opera from Ghent and Antwerpen, soloist and chamber musician. Next to that she was and is always intrested in other styles. She recorded a CD with a Latino guitarist and started introducing jazz to her music life a few years ago. She met many intresting jazz musicians in Belgium as well as during summer classes in New York, where she had the chance to learn from great musicians.
John Snauwaert is a saxophone player and composer He has a very wide scope and is an artistic world traveler. As a composer and musician he worked for Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg, het Muziek Lod, De Werf, Victoria, De Vieze Gasten and Circus Picolini. He loves the music/image combination and wrote music for animated movies. He really can handle any genre.
Johan Sabbe is a jazz pianist and teacher. He loves to play latin jazz next to the jazz standards. He developed a course in soundpainting and harmony and is teaching jazz piano and combo in Ghent. .
Jonas De Rave, is a jazz pianist and accordeon player, playing differnt genres. Teacher and performer. Playes jazzy-worldgroove and klezmer.
Wim Ramon, jazz bassist, teacher bass and combo, composer and member of different jazz groups.
Stefan Willems, jazz bassist, engineer and member of different jazz groups.
Paola Marquez, golden jazz voice, teacher and member of different jazz groups.
Programm: Jazz Standards and Latin Jazz