You are now listening to:
"Beethoven versus Belgische muziek" L.v. Beethoven (arr. Hans Sitt) Symfonie nr. 1 2nd movement, Wim Henderickx Suite, Charles De Beriot Scène de Ballet op.100 played by Ann Vancoillie & Pieter Dhoore
"Beethoven versus Belgische muziek" L.v. Beethoven (arr. Hans Sitt) Symfonie nr. 1 2nd movement, Wim Henderickx Suite, Charles De Beriot Scène de Ballet op.100 played by Ann Vancoillie & Pieter Dhoore
Previous projects and concerts,
presented in photo's by Daniel Dely:
presented in photo's by Daniel Dely:
Musa Mihi Canta Kvk 0808564185

Ann Vancoillie – Master of Performing Arts (2017) & Bachelor of Jazz Violin (2024)
Ann Vancoillie is een veelzijdige violiste met expertise in diverse muziekstijlen, variërend van barok tot hedendaagse muziek, jazz en improvisatie. Ze gebruikt verschillende instrumenten afgestemd op de specifieke stijl waarin ze speelt.
Ann Vancoillie is a versatile violinist with expertise in a wide range of musical styles, from baroque to contemporary music, jazz, and improvisation. She uses different instruments tailored to the specific style she performs.
Jazz & Innovation
Grateful to the teachers she had:
Soundcloud: De la Terre.... for violin & tape Kaija Saariaho played by Ann Vancoillie van Ann Vancoillie (
Ann Vancoillie is een veelzijdige violiste met expertise in diverse muziekstijlen, variërend van barok tot hedendaagse muziek, jazz en improvisatie. Ze gebruikt verschillende instrumenten afgestemd op de specifieke stijl waarin ze speelt.
- Barokviool gemaakt door Marco Anedda
- Moderne viool van Joseph Curtin (april 2018)
- Elektrische Zeta-viool
- Vijf-snarige elektrische viool van Mark Wood
- Bogen vervaardigd door R.W. Groppe, G. Raspanti, en J.B. Vuillaume
- Studeerde aan de conservatoria van Brussel, Gent en het Mozarteum in Salzburg bij docenten zoals Kati Sebestyen, André Gertler, Henri Raudales, Sandor Végh, Nicolaus Harnoncourt en het Hagen Kwartet
- Master in Performing Arts (KASK)
- Hogere diploma's voor viool, kamermuziek en pedagogie (KCB)
- Bachelor of Jazz Violin aan het Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles (2024)
- Concertmeester van het Symfonieorkest van Vlaanderen, Conservatoriumorkest en het Wereldjeugdorkest
- Aanvoerder van de tweede violen in het Mahler Chamber Orchestra
- Speelde barokviool bij "Les Musiciens du Louvre," "Le Concert D'Anvers," "Octopus," en "Ex Tempore"
- Actief in hedendaagse muziekensembles zoals "Champs d'Action" en "Logos"
- Uitvoeringen van concerti met orkest
- Creaties van composities speciaal voor haar geschreven
- Uitvoering van eigen muziek
- Geselecteerd als Belgische violiste voor het World Peace Orchestra met 21 VN-musici, vertegenwoordiging in Zuid-Korea
- Duo Vancoillie-Dhoore: "Beethoven versus Belgian Music" – combinatie van de 9 symfonieën van L.v. Beethoven met 35 Belgische werken
- Duo Shiraz: Concerttournees en masterclasses in België, Iran, Tadzjikistan
- Jazzformaties: Duo String Key Fusion,Trio JaZZaNN, Ensemble Rood
- Tango : Improvised Tango
- Ensemble Libertad playing Astor Piazzolla
- Violin/Action Painting: Samenwerking met Andrej Babenko
- Violin & Ethnic Instruments: Diverse culturele samenwerkingen
- Barokviool: O.a. met Duo Shiraz en "Les Musiciens du Louvre"
- Ann’s creatieve geest leidt haar naar nieuwe projecten en samenwerkingen met musici uit verschillende vakgebieden, componisten, schrijvers, acteurs, dichters, improvisatoren en open-minded kunstenaars.
- Intensieve focus op jazzstudies sinds 2014
- Afgeronde Bachelor in Jazz Violin (2024) aan het Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles
- Deelname aan Summer Masterclasses bij:
- New York Jazz Academy
- Vermont Jazz Adventures
- Berklee Jazz Clinics in Perugia
- Gypsy Masterclass van Eva Slongo in de Cevennen
Ann Vancoillie is a versatile violinist with expertise in a wide range of musical styles, from baroque to contemporary music, jazz, and improvisation. She uses different instruments tailored to the specific style she performs.
- Baroque violin made by Marco Anedda
- Modern violin by Joseph Curtin (April 2018)
- Electric Zeta violin
- Five-string electric violin by Mark Wood
- Bows crafted by R.W. Groppe, G. Raspanti, and J.B. Vuillaume
- 1st violinist, 2nd soloist at Kunsthuis, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen in Ghent and Antwerp
- Studied at the conservatories of Brussels, Ghent, and the Mozarteum in Salzburg with teachers such as Kati Sebestyen, André Gertler, Henri Raudales, Sandor Végh, Nicolaus Harnoncourt, and the Hagen Quartet
- Master in Performing Arts (KASK)
- Higher diplomas in violin, chamber music, and pedagogy (KCB)
- Bachelor of Jazz Violin at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles (2024)
- Concertmaster of the Symphony Orchestra of Flanders, the Conservatory Orchestra, and the World Youth Orchestra
- Principal second violinist in the Mahler Chamber Orchestra
- Played baroque violin with "Les Musiciens du Louvre," "Le Concert D'Anvers," "Octopus," and "Ex Tempore"
- Active in contemporary music ensembles such as "Champs d'Action" and "Logos"
- Performances of concertos with orchestras
- Premieres of compositions written specifically for her
- Performance of her own music
- Selected as a Belgian violinist for the World Peace Orchestra, representing her country alongside 21 UN musicians in South Korea
- Duo Vancoillie-Dhoore: "Beethoven versus Belgian Music" – combining the 9 symphonies of L.v. Beethoven with 35 Belgian works
- Duo Shiraz: Concert tours and masterclasses in Belgium, Iran, Tajikistan
- Jazz Ensembles: Duo String Key Fusion, Trio JaZZaNN, Ensemble Rood
- Tango: Improvised Tango
- Ensemble Libertad: Performing Astor Piazzolla's works
- Violin/Action Painting: Collaboration with Andrej Babenko
- Violin & Ethnic Instruments: Diverse cultural collaborations
- Baroque Violin: Including performances with Duo Shiraz and "Les Musiciens du Louvre"
Jazz & Innovation
- Intensive focus on jazz studies since 2014
- Completed Bachelor in Jazz Violin (2024) at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles
- Participation in Summer Masterclasses:
- New York Jazz Academy
- Vermont Jazz Adventures
- Berklee Jazz Clinics in Perugia
- Gypsy Masterclass with Eva Slongo in the Cévennes
Grateful to the teachers she had:
Soundcloud: De la Terre.... for violin & tape Kaija Saariaho played by Ann Vancoillie van Ann Vancoillie (
SOLO, David Chaillou composer, played by Ann Vancoillie on the 27th of februari 2021.
(Ann Vancoillie played the Belgian creation on the 30th of januari 2020.)
SoundCloud: Stream muziek van Ann Vancoillie | Luister gratis naar nummers, albums, afspeellijsten op SoundCloud
Upcoming and recent previous concerts
8 november 2024 : Mi Tierra Gent WZC De Zonnebloem
25 Augustus 2024 : Opening Tentoonstelling Laarne Ann Vancoillie & Nicola Andrioli
24 Augustus 2024 : Terneuzen Tapasroute Mi Tierra Violin, Voice, Guitar
7 juli 2024 : Studio recording the music by Milad Mohammadi, violin, kemancha, gamba, percussion, tar.
6 juli 2024 : Ann Vancoillie & Kenneth Theunissen Belfort Gent Violin & Carillon
16 juni 2024 : Project Milad Mohamaddi, violin, kemancha, gamba, percussion, tar.
20 mei 2024 : 't Vaartje Lissewege Tango project Flavio Romanelli, guitar, Marcos Martignano, guitar, Nicolas Fernandez, double bass, Ann Vancoillie, violin.
24 maart 2024 20h: Ann Vancoillie violin & Flavio Romanelli guitar: Waterlandkerkje Zeeland Nederland. Stichting Oude Zeeuwse Kerken.
10 februari 2024 21h: Ann Vancoillie & Bauke Meersman, Sax & Electric 5-string violin, improvisations inspired by Philip Glass Kinky Star Ghent
12 augustus 2023 18h30: Ann Vancoillie violin & Flavio Romanelli guitar 't Vaartje Lissewege
24 juni 2023 20h: Ann Vancoillie violin & Bauke Meersman Sax, improvisations based on the repetitive principle. 20h @Gregor Samsa Gent.
28 mei 2022: Trio JaZZaNN 20h @Blaisantkerk, Gent
26 april 2022: Trio JaZZaNN 20h @Muzikantenhuis Gent
23 april 2022: Trio JaZZaNN 19h30 @Goûts et Couleurs Gent
22 november 2021: Libertad plays in Brussels, Salle Joseph Jongen 19h. Libertad (
10 november 2021: Trio JaZZaNN in Hasselt JAZZKROEGENTOCHT Hasselt In The Mood | Jazzinhasselt
Live streaming concert:
11 juli 2021 21h Room 13 Ann Vancoillie & Pieter Dhoore Beethoven 7de symphonie arr Hans Sitt and Invention for violin and piano by Lucien Goethals (creation lost and found work by Goethals)
Live streaming concert:
27 febr. 2021 19h Room 13
Solo for violin David Chaillou, Elogue du Tango & Etude Guillermo Anad & Astor Piazzolla for solo violin, Berienza for solo violin Maarten Van Ingelhem.
Live streaming concert: 8 januari 20h Opera Ballet Vlaanderen Ensemble Libertad & ballet, more info on
pzazz | Recensie - Ballet op z'n kop gezet
Tanzkunst: Nancy Osbaldeston choreografiert Tangos von Astor Piazzolla - Kultur - (
Live streaming concert: 31 december 2020 19h
Gent Room 13 Astor Piazzolla with ensemble Libertad. Ann Vancoillie, Sigrid Vandenbogaerde, Dick Van der Harst, Vincent Bruyninckx. Arr. Guillermo Anad (e.o. Lunfardo, fuga y Misterio, Michelango 70) & Ann Vancoillie (Libertango)
House concert 5 december 2020 Astor Piazzolla with ensemble Libertad: annulated due Covid-19
Concerts Festival des Arts juli 2020 and oktober/november 2020: annulated due Covid-19
House concert 14 november 2020 Eeklo: annulated due Covid-19
we invite you to have a look at our fb-page: Concerts & Projects
28062020 Brussel PSK Empty hall coronaproof Mozart en Elgar Ann Vancoillie & Aäron Wajnberg
13032020 Missy Sippy Blues
04102019 Gent Ann Vancoillie & Kenneth Theunissen Belforttoren Gent
01072019 Mechelen Ann Vancoillie en Kenneth Theunissen Rombautskathedraal.
27 01 2019 Ensemble ROOD in the VOORUIT Ghent 11h30-13h30
26 01 2019 Book presentation "Ann Vancoillie & Friends"
Works by Ann Vancoillie, Guillermo Anad, David Chaillou & Telemann
16 06 2018 Ann Vancoillie, Pieter Dhoore, Wineke Van Lammeren, Eeklo VZW Machine Beethoven & Mozart versus Belgische muziek
23 06 2018 Fraterpsleinconcert met Ensemble Rood, Jazz Standards en Jazz in het Turks.
8 juli 2018 Ontbijtconcert Destelbergen Duo Vancoillie - Dhoore, Beethoven en filmmuziek
14 juli 2018 Ensemble Rood in de Gentse Feesten Baravins
21 juli 2018 Ann Vancoillie & Friends François Laurentplein Klassiek ontmoet Jazz.
Concert tour to Iran & Tadzjikistan with duo Shiraz, Beethoven versus Belgian Music:
the 9 symphonies of L.v. Beethoven on violin and piano in combination with 35 Belgian works.

."There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres."
Pythagoras ........
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........."Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” Plato .........